Initial Consultation

Young woman during the medical consultation with rehab at the rehabilitation gym

To help you the best we can, we need to know as much as possible about your concern. During an initial consultation, our physiotherapist will ask you a range of questions according to your concerns followed by a physical examination which will give them an in-depth understanding. Our initial consultation will be 45 minutes.

What will we talk about?

First, the physiotherapist needs to get a bigger picture of your condition. You will be asked about:

  • your lifestyle, work, and overall health;
  • your medical history and medications;
  • when and how the problem started;
  • what are the symptoms;
  • what makes it better or worse (positions/activities);
  • how does that impact your life;
  • what do you want to achieve from our physiotherapy sessions?
Senior couple doing physiotherapy with doctor. Home assistance, physiotherapy, healthy lifestyle for old person, training and healthy lifestyle


Next, the physiotherapist will ask you to perform various tests and examine your problem manually. They will explain each step in that process. The main focus is the painful spot, but the examination may also include other areas that can affect the injury.

Tell your therapist when you feel discomfort or ache during the examination. The goal is to find the cause of the problem, not to make it more painful.

Assessment and treatment plan

At the end of your initial consultation, we will discuss the diagnosis and the best treatment plan tailored to your concerns. The latter can include a series of physio appointments for pain relief and therapy, as well as exercises you can do at home. Then you can decide whether or not to start regular visits.

If the problem needs further investigations or consultation with other physicians, we will advise you accordingly.

How to prepare?

  • Wear comfortable clothing that will allow you to freely do the exercises (e.g. shorts or sweatpants and a t-shirt). You can change before the visit. Also, be prepared to uncover the affected area so that the therapist can see it.
  • Answer the questions from the first section beforehand.
  • Bring your medical history regarding the problem, medication information, and any notes that can be relevant.
  • If you are claiming through an insurance company, we will need your policy details.

How to schedule a visit?

You can book an appointment at any time, including afternoons and weekends. Book online or give us a call at 020 8126 7766.